無線震動感測器 EzVibration 1.0
EzVibration 1.0 為精密震動感測儀器,可透過無線傳輸的方式,在遠端電腦即時記錄待測物體的震動情況,即時發現不良震動、機械碰撞或軸承老化等現象,是維護生產線正常運作的絕佳利器!
- 即時(real-time)顯示資料,包含震動大小與頻率,便於正確診斷震動狀況。
- 透過無線傳輸,直接將震動資料傳輸至遠端電腦,免去接縣困擾與空間限制。
- 使用 Sub-1G 頻段,避免雜訊干擾。
- 感測器有吸付磁鐵,可直接吸附在待測目標上。
The electric fan was turned on with swing and switched between high speed and low speed. The vibration sensor can detect the rotation frequecny, high speed around 33Hz and low speed around 23Hz in the noisy environment with swing motion. The swing frequency can be detected also using the low frequency mode and welcome to contact us for more information in details.